News & Announcements

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H.E Prime Minister Dr.Haider Al-Abadi statement to the Iraqi People

In the name of Allah the Merciful

To the people of our beloved nation,

My duty is to work in accordance with the constitution to serve the citizens and protect the unity of the country, which was in danger of partition due to the insistence on holding the referendum organized by those in power in the Kurdistan region in a unilateral step, while we are fighting an existential war against terrorism.

We tried to dissuade those in the region from holding it and not violating the Constitution and to focus on the fight against Daesh but they did not listen to our appeals and... Read more...

Mon, Oct 16, 2017 Mon, Oct 16, 2017

The Iraqi ministry of foreign affairs commenced its annual preparations for the Arbainya ceremony

The Iraqi ministry of foreign affairs commenced its annual preparations for the Arbainya ceremony (to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein) in the city of Karbala by opening 16 extra consulate offices all over Iran’s provinces (Ailam, Sosnkurd, Abadan, Karman, Sari, Yazid, Karaj, Tabriz, Rashit, Qum, Shiraz and Asfahan) and supplied them with specialized employees with consulate procedures from the ministry to accelerate issuing visas for pilgrims, where more than 2 million visas were issued for Iranian pilgrims last year during the Arbainya visit, and it is expected to have 3 million... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Oct 11, 2017 Wed, Oct 11, 2017

Iraqi foreign ministry condemns the shooting in Jeddah

Foreign affair ministry expresses its solidarity with the government and people of the Saudi Arabia fraternal kingdom and condemn the shooting targeted the security of the peace palace in the province of Jeddah and condole the two security officers and hopes an urgent recovery for the injured.

The ministry confirms its full rejection to such attacks that threatens the kingdom’s security and stability, and stands with it in its endeavors to protect the kingdom from all kinds of crimes and terror.

Dr. Ahmed Mahgoob

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsTue, Oct 10, 2017 Tue, Oct 10, 2017

Minister of foreign affairs mourns the death of the former Iraqi president

​With great sorrow and sadness, we mourns Iraq's diseased former president Jalal Talabani (May God have mercy on him) who was truly a sincere son to Iraq, keen to its unity, security and independency. He has given lots of sacrifices and did the best he could for the country. How Iraq needs such wishful person in consolidating and mend fences. With this painful catastrophe, we present condolences to his family and all Iraqi people, asking God to give them power to sustain this catastrophe.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Oct 4, 2017 Tue, Oct 10, 2017

MOFA confirms submitting an official note to Turkish and Iranian embassies regarding crossing borders and trade exchange with Kurdistan

The Iraq ministry of foreign affairs confirms the submission of an official note to the Turkish and Iranian Embassies more than a week ago, included an official request by the Iraqi government to both friendly countries with the following:

1- Both countries must exclusively deal with the federal government on regard to the border crossing and closing all access sites with Kurdistan until the federal government takes control.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsFri, Oct 6, 2017 Fri, Oct 6, 2017

Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi met with French President Emmanuel Macron this morning in the Elysee Palace

October -5- 2017

At the beginning of the meeting, the French President welcomed the Prime Minister, stressing the great interest in this visit and expressed the common desire of the two countries to develop friendly relations and cooperation. He also congratulated the victories achieved by the Iraqi forces and the success achieved by Iraqis in liberating their country.

The two leaders held a bilateral meeting and then proceeded to preside over the joint expanded governmental meeting, followed by a joint press conference.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeThu, Oct 5, 2017 Thu, Oct 5, 2017

PM Al-Abadi: continued success of liberation operations with the latest in Hawija a victory for the Iraqis and we will not relent in this mission

October -5- 2017

Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi said that the latest success in the liberation of Iraqi cities in Hawija and the defeat for Daesh is a success for all of us as Iraqis and for our friends and supporters because it is a common enemy and this cooperation must continue to eliminate the danger.

During his meeting with the French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly, PM Al-Abadi added: “We look forward to a broader cooperation with the French side in the field of armament, training and intelligence cooperation.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeThu, Oct 5, 2017 Thu, Oct 5, 2017

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi visits the "Christians of the East" exhibition at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris

Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi visits the "Christians of the East" exhibition at the Arab World Institute. He toured the exhibition, which included many precious pieces of archaeological and historical documents and was greeted by Jack Lang, head of the Institute and former Minister of Culture.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeThu, Oct 5, 2017 Thu, Oct 5, 2017


It is with the deepest sorrow that we announce the passing away today, October 3, 2017, of President Jalal Talabani, the first democratically elected President of the Republic of Iraq (2005-2014). Memorial and condolence arrangements in Washington, DC.

As a tribute to the former President, a book of condolences will be opened on the following days:
- October 4th, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- October 5th, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- October 6th, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

At the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq,
(3421 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20007...

Tue, Oct 3, 2017

We welcome Al-Azhar Al-Sharif stance calling for preserving Iraq unity and rejecting separation demands

October -2- 2017

Mon, Oct 2, 2017 Mon, Oct 2, 2017

Iraqi MOFA condemns the terrorist attacks in Canada and Paris

The ministry of the foreign affairs of the republic of Iraq condemns the terrorist attacks targeted innocents in the Canadian city of Edmontonand the French city of Marseille, and expresses its condolences for the victims' families and wishes a quick recovery for the injured.

The ministry calls the international society to stand one side in fighting terror and chasing those of extreme ideology to prevail peace, security and prosperity in the world.

Dr. Ahmed Mahgoob

The official spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Oct 2, 2017 Mon, Oct 2, 2017

Iraqi MOFA affirms its solidarity with the United States for the fire attack in Las Vegas

The Iraqi ministry of foreign affairs expresses its deep sorrow for the terrible gunfire attack that attacked innocents' souls in the American state of Las Vegas and affirms its solidarity with the American government and the American people in this painful plight, and condolences victims' families and relatives and wishes a quick recovery for the injured.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsTue, Oct 3, 2017 Mon, Oct 2, 2017

MOFA condemns the terrorist attack in Damascus and renew the call to solve the Syrian crisis politically

The ministry of foreign affairs condemns the terrorist attack conducted by the terrorists group targeting the capital of Damascus. Such terrorist attacks target to undermine the international efforts to prevail peace and finishes the crisis in Syria. The ministry reaffirm again that the solution must be political for the sake of united peaceful Syria empty of terror.

Dr. Ahmed Mahgoob

The official spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Oct 2, 2017 Mon, Oct 2, 2017

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr.Haider Al-Abadi statement in commemoration of Ashura


In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors,,,, And establish them in the land and show Pharaoh and [his minister] Haman and their soldiers through them that which they had feared

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeSat, Sep 30, 2017 Sat, Sep 30, 2017



Media Office of the Prime Minister Dr.Haider Al-Abadi reaffirmed that Iraqi Government preserves rights and gains of all Iraqi Citizens including Kurdish People, while the Government assured their rights in any made decision.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeFri, Sep 29, 2017 Fri, Sep 29, 2017



Today evening, Friday, September- 29-2017 , in accordance with cabinet decision on imposing ban on the International flight from and to Kurdistan reign till the reign handed over the authority on Sulaymaniyah and Arbil airports to the federal authority administration.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeFri, Sep 29, 2017 Fri, Sep 29, 2017


29 September 2017

The Media Office of the Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi confirms that the Iraqi government protects the rights and privileges of all our people, including our Kurdish citizens, and that any action taken is careful not to harm them.

Fri, Sep 29, 2017

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi affirmed that we will impose the federal authority's rule by force of the constitution and the law In the Kurdistan region as it is all over Iraqi provinces.

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi affirmed that we will impose the federal authority's rule by force of the constitution and the law In the Kurdistan region as it is all over Iraqi provinces.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeWed, Sep 27, 2017 Wed, Sep 27, 2017


General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil)COMPLETE CENTERFUGAL PUMP ITEM (124 ) WITH SPARE PARTS/ Tender 377/2017/E

Mon, Sep 18, 2017

General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil)SPARE PARTS FOR BOILERS/ Tender 383

General Competitive Bid(Ministry of Oil)SPARE PARTS FOR BOILERS

Mon, Sep 18, 2017