News & Announcements

Image Title Article source Post Date

H.E. Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi receives Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper

His Excellency Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi received this Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper, They discussed bilateral between the two countries, reaffirming the continuation of cooperation in countering terrorism, supporting the government's efforts to promote security, stability and national sovereignty, Besides discussing the disturbing developments in Syria, especially with regard to terrorists imprisoned in Syria and the possibility of their escape and infiltration into Iraqi territory

Wed, Oct 23, 2019 Wed, Oct 23, 2019

Foreign Minister Gives Iraq’s Speech at Summit for Heads of State and Government of Non-aligned Movement

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim gave Iraq’s speech at the meeting of Heads of State and Government of Non-aligned Movement and began by affirming the Iraqi government’s endeavor to implement the priorities of the government program for: security, law enforcement, services, education, health, good governance, building a prosperous economy, and raising the standard of living for the citizens.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Oct 23, 2019 Wed, Oct 23, 2019

H.E. Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi: Iraq is keen to develop bilateral with neighboring Turkey in all fields

His Excellency Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi confirmed Iraqi keenness to develop bilateral with Turkey in all fields which that benefited interests and stability of both People.

Iraq Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi Tue, Oct 22, 2019 Tue, Oct 22, 2019

Press Statement / Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry
Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

Iraq is concerned with the receipt of Da’esh terrorists who hold Iraqi citizenship and their families. They will be tried in Iraqi courts according to the laws in force.
Iraq is not concerned with foreign terrorists who have carried out terrorist operations outside Iraq, and their countries must deal with them.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Oct 21, 2019 Mon, Oct 21, 2019


Meeting today at the Presidential Office in Baghdad, with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, President Salih stressed that Iraq looks forward to work jointly with the fraternal and friendly States to advance regional security and stability, mitigate the tensions as well as avoiding further escalation which would undermine the chance of peace regionally and internationally.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeSun, Oct 20, 2019 Mon, Oct 21, 2019

Press Statement / Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry
Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

Iraq is concerned with the receipt of Da’esh terrorists who hold Iraqi citizenship and their families. They will be tried in Iraqi courts according to the laws in force.
Iraq is not concerned with foreign terrorists who have carried out terrorist operations outside Iraq, and their countries must deal with them.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Oct 21, 2019 Mon, Oct 21, 2019

Press Statement / Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Iraq is currently a member of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations General Assembly from 2017 to the end of 2019, and we have had an active role in it, and we worked hard to keep the Council’s resolutions and actions from politicization.
As far as the Foreign Ministry is concerned with mobilizing international support to vote for the renewal of Iraq’s membership in the Council for another three years, we would like to assure everyone that the Ministry has actively sought this support, and has made considerable efforts until the last hours, and has succeeded in securing... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSat, Oct 19, 2019 Sat, Oct 19, 2019

Foreign Minister Receives his French Counterpart Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received French Foreign Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian.

The two Ministers discussed developing bilateral relations in various fields, activating the strategic understanding document for bilateral relations, and ways to enhance consultation and coordination between Baghdad and Paris.

Minister Alhakim stressed Iraq’s keenness to develop the distinguished level of relations with France, and looks forward to exploring new prospects for cooperation, especially in the field of economy.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsThu, Oct 17, 2019 Thu, Oct 17, 2019


‎‎بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

استجابة لخطبة المرجعية الدينية العليا ليوم الجمعة المصادف ١٢ صفر ١٤٤١ / ١١/١٠/٢٠١٩ واستكمالا للتحقيقات الجارية قامت الحكومة بتشكيل لجنة تحقيقية عليا تضم الوزارات المختصة والاجهزة الامنية وممثلين عن مجلس القضاء الأعلى ومجلس النواب ومفوضية حقوق الانسان للوصول الى نتائج موضوعية واكيدة لإحالة المتسببين الى القضاء لينالوا جزاءهم العادل وعدم التواني في ملاحقتهم واعتقالهم وتقديمهم الى العدالة مهما كانت انتماءاتهم ومواقعهم. والله المسدد.

عادل عبد المهدي
رئيس مجلس الوزراء
12- تشرين الأول-2019

المكتب الاعلامي لرئيس الوزراءSat, Oct 12, 2019 Tue, Oct 15, 2019


President Salih announced that, unwillingness of the voters to participate in the elections anymore is a clear evidence of necessity to amend the General Election Law as it is an urgent national entitlement to build the Iraqi State, to reform its institutions as well as eradicating the financial and administrative corruption so as to promote freedom and democracy across the country.

Tue, Oct 15, 2019 Tue, Oct 15, 2019

Form for the military advisers assigned to participate in the training of the Iraqi Security Forces.


Tue, Oct 15, 2019


President Salih got today a phone call from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Over the phone conversation, President Salih and Mr. Mike Pompeo reviewed the bilateral relations between the both countries and the ways of boosting these relations. The importance of increasing stability and security within the country as well as dealing with the challenges in the ways that contribute to consolidating Iraq's security and its citizens' rights and reinforcing its democratic experience, they deliberated.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Oct 14, 2019 Tue, Oct 15, 2019

Foreign Minister Receives Phone Call from Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon, Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs and United Nations at Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received a phone call from Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon, Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs, and the United Nations at the British Foreign Office.

The two sides also discussed the British economic support to Iraq, and ways to enhance bilateral cooperation between Baghdad and London to serve the interests of the two friendly countries.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSun, Oct 13, 2019 Tue, Oct 15, 2019

Foreign Minister Receives Phone Call from his Egyptian Counterpart

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received a phone call from Egyptian Foreign Minister Mr. Sameh Shoukry. The two sides discussed the most important issues at the local level, and the necessity of activating the common interests between the two countries.

The two sides agreed to continue consultations and bilateral coordination on Arab and regional issues in order to find political approaches that contribute to defusing tensions and maintaining the security of the region.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsThu, Oct 10, 2019 Thu, Oct 10, 2019

Foreign Minister Meets Ambassadors of Foreign Countries Accredited to Baghdad

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim met with foreign Ambassadors accredited to Baghdad. The meeting started by briefing on the latest developments in the local situation, especially the recent demonstrations, and the subsequent governmental actions towards implementing the legitimate demands of the demonstrators, in addition to reassuring heads of foreign missions in Baghdad of the stability of the security situation and providing security for all missions and their staff.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsThu, Oct 10, 2019 Thu, Oct 10, 2019

وزير الخارجيّة يلتقي سفراء الدول الأجنبيّة المُعتمَدين لدى بغداد

التقى وزير الخارجيّة محمد علي الحكيم سفراء الدول الأجنبيّة المُعتمَدين لدى بغداد.

واستهلَّ اللقاء بالحديث مُفصّلاً عن مُستجدّات الوضع المحلّي، ولاسيّما المظاهرات الأخيرة، وما أعقبها من إجراءات حُكُوميَّة باتجاه تنفيذ مطالب المتظاهرين المشروعة، فضلاً عن طمأنة السادة رؤساء البعثات الأجنبيّة لدى بغداد باستقرار الوضع الأمنيّ، وتوفير أسباب الأمن لجميع البعثات وموظفيها.

يأتي ذلك اللقاء في إطار الجُهُود المكثفة التي تقوم بها الوزارة لتوضيح حقيقة الأوضاع في العراق إلى الرأي العامّ العالميّ.

Thu, Oct 10, 2019 Thu, Oct 10, 2019

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim: We discussed prospects for economic cooperation and investment opportunities for Russian companies to participate in infrastructure projects and reconstruction

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received the Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Sergey Lavrov. The two sides discussed ways to strengthen and develop bilateral relations between Baghdad and Moscow in all fields, including: areas of a strategic and vital nature politically, economically, and commercially expressing keenness to exchange common interests.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Oct 7, 2019 Tue, Oct 8, 2019

President Salih Welcomes U.S. Senator, Tammy Baldwin

he President received today at the Presidential Office, Democratic Member of U.S. Senate from Wisconsin, Sen. Tammy Baldwin alongside the delegation accompanied her. United States Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Matthew Tueller, attended the meeting.

Wed, Oct 2, 2019 Thu, Oct 3, 2019

Foreign Minister Meets Secretary General of Gulf Cooperation Council

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim met with the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Mr. Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani.
Minister Hakim called for the importance of enhancing Arab cooperation, preserving the security and stability of the region, and strengthening its level to face all challenges.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Sep 30, 2019 Mon, Sep 30, 2019

Foreign Minister Meets with UN Secretary-General’s Advisor on Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict Ms. Pramila Patten

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim met with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, on the sidelines of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.
The meeting reviewed the efforts exerted by international organizations in supporting Iraq in various fields.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSat, Sep 28, 2019 Mon, Sep 30, 2019