News & Announcements

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Foreign Ministry

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim directed all diplomatic and consular missions to open a book of condolences for the lives of martyrs who have died as a result of the recent US raids on Iraq.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSun, Jan 5, 2020 Sun, Jan 5, 2020

The Foreign Ministry summoned the US Ambassador to Baghdad Mr. Matthew Tueller .

The Foreign Ministry summoned the US Ambassador to Baghdad Mr. Matthew Tueller who met the senior Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Mr. Abdul Karim Hashim Mustafa on the background of the air strikes on the Iraqi forces in Qaim which resulted in casualties between martyr and wounded, as well as an air strike on Iraqi military high-level leaders and friend targeted with their escorts in the Iraqi territories, which resulted in the martyrdom of the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Commission , the martyr Mr. Jamal Jaafar Muhammad (Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis), along with Iraqi martyrs and... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSun, Jan 5, 2020 Sun, Jan 5, 2020

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry raised a complaint in two identical letters.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry raised a complaint in two identical letters sent to both the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, through the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Iraq in New York concerning the US attacks on Iraqi military sites, and the assassination of high-level Iraqi and friendly military leaders on Iraqi soil, which resulted in the death of the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Commission, the Martyr Mr. Jamal Jaafar Muhammad (Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis), along with other martyrs from the Iraqi and friendly leaders, in... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSun, Jan 5, 2020 Sun, Jan 5, 2020

STATEMENT / Office of the President of Iraq

In the name of Allah, most merciful and most gracious
Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration.

Iraqi Presidency (Office of the President of Iraq)Iraqi Presidency logoFri, Jan 3, 2020 Fri, Jan 3, 2020

Paress Statement

The Foreign Ministry strongly condemns the bombing of the Headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces brigade by the US forces, which we view as a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iraq, and a condemned act, which is rejected by all customs and laws that govern relations between states.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Dec 30, 2019 Mon, Dec 30, 2019

Press Statement

Some media outlets have reported fragmented remarks by the Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations alleging criticism of the peaceful demonstrations in Baghdad and a number of Iraqi Governorates.

In this context, we would like to point out that the statement made by the Permanent Representative of Iraq represents an official statement of the Republic of Iraq in the Security Council, which was prepared according to the contexts followed in the preparation of official statements through the competent department and with the approval of the Minister on its language and... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsThu, Dec 5, 2019 Thu, Dec 5, 2019

Foreign Minister Meets Secretary General of League of Arab States

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim met with the Secretary General of the League of Arab States Dr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit and discussed the latest developments in the region, especially the Palestinian issue, the implications of the US decision on the law of Israeli settlements, and the importance of adhering to international and Arab resolutions on Palestine.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsTue, Nov 26, 2019 Tue, Nov 26, 2019

Statement / Prime Minister's Media Office

US Vice President Mike Pence paid an agreed visit to Iraq during which he inspected his country's forces at the Iraqi base of Al-Assad in the framework of the international coalition that supports the Iraqi forces in the fight against Daesh.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeSat, Nov 23, 2019 Sat, Nov 23, 2019

Foreign Minister Holds Telephone Conversation with Saudi Counterpart

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim held a telephone conversation with his Saudi counterpart Sheikh Faisal bin Farhan. During the conversation they discussed ways to strengthen relations between Baghdad and Riyadh to meet the aspirations of both countries

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsTue, Nov 19, 2019 Wed, Nov 20, 2019

Foreign Minister Attends Funeral Service in Abu Dhabi

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim attended on behalf of Prime Minister Dr. Adel Abdul Mahdi the funeral service set up by the UAE for the diplomat and politician Dr. Adnan Al-Pachachi.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Nov 20, 2019 Wed, Nov 20, 2019

The Foreign Minister Holds Telephone Call with Prime Minister of Kuwait

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim held a telephone conversation with appointed Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.

Minister Alhakim expressed his congratulations on his appointment as Prime Minister of Kuwait, wishing him success in serving Kuwait and its brotherly people.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Nov 20, 2019 Wed, Nov 20, 2019

Foreign Minister Receives Phone Call from his Jordanian Counterpart

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received a phone call from Jordanian Foreign Minister Mr. Ayman Al-Safadi.

The two Ministers discussed bilateral issues of mutual interest, including: Achieving cooperation in various fields in order to achieve the aspirations of both brotherly peoples.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsTue, Nov 19, 2019 Wed, Nov 20, 2019

Foreign Minister Receives Phone Call from Secretary General of League of Arab States

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received a phone call from the League of Arab States Secretary-General Mr.Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and discussed the latest developments in the region.

The two sides also discussed ways of cooperation between Iraq and the Arab League, as well as means of communication to serve Arab issues.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Nov 20, 2019 Wed, Nov 20, 2019

رئيس مجلس الوزراء السيد عادل عبد المهدي يعرب عن بالغ تعازيه بوفاة السياسي العراقي عدنان الباچة چي

18-تشرين الثاني - 2019

تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والأسى نبأ رحيل السياسي العراقي المخضرم عدنان الباچة چي رحمه الله ، والذي قضى عقودا طويلة من عمره في خدمة الدولة والسلك الدبلوماسي مرورا بفترة معارضة النظام المباد والمشاركة في العملية السياسية .
وبهذا الحدث الأليم نعرب عن خالص تعازينا لأسرة الفقيد ، سائلين الله ان يمنّ عليه بواسع المغفرة ويسكنه فسيح جناته.

إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون .

عادل عبدالمهدي
رئيس مجلس الوزراء
١٨-تشرين الثاني-٢٠١٩

Mon, Nov 18, 2019 Mon, Nov 18, 2019


President Salih sent today a letter of condolence and sympathy to the family of the late Dr. Adnan al-Pachachi who passed away.

Mon, Nov 18, 2019 Mon, Nov 18, 2019

H.E. Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi receives a call from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

November - 12 – 2019

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeTue, Nov 12, 2019 Wed, Nov 13, 2019

H.E. Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi receives a call from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

November - 12 – 2019

Iraq Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-AbadiTue, Nov 12, 2019 Tue, Nov 12, 2019


President Salih received today in Baghdad Member of the British House of Lords and Executive Head of the Iraqi-British Trade Council, Baroness Ema Nichelson.
Together, the President and the Baroness discussed the international support to boost security and stability across the country. Furthermore, they reviewed political developments at the region and the world as well.

Wed, Nov 6, 2019 Thu, Nov 7, 2019

The Foreign Minister Receives Telephone Call from the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim received a phone call from British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrew Morrison. The two sides discussed the latest developments in the region, the situation in Iraq, and the government’s measures to meet the demands of the demonstrators through the reforms launched by the government.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Nov 6, 2019 Thu, Nov 7, 2019

H.E. Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi receives U.S. congressmen delegation

His Excellency Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi received; this Sunday U.S. congressmen delegation headed by U.S. House Armed Services Committee Chairman the Representative of Democratic in Washington Adam Smith.
They discussed bilateral, strengthening Mutual collaboration, supporting reforms plans and measures taken by the Iraqi government.
His Excellency Prime Minister confirmed that Iraq is keen to establish the best bilateral with the United States of America, its surrounding Arabic countries and the regional.

Iraq Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-AbadiSun, Nov 3, 2019 Mon, Nov 4, 2019