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One of 7 wonders of the world finally tracked down

Karim Kadim, AP

An Iraqi armed soldier walks in front of Ishtar Gate of ancient Babylon about 50 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq, Sept. 18, 2008. Babylon was once among the greatest cities in the world.

There has long been a slight problem with the declaration of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world -- there was no proof it actually existed. Now, an Oxford University researcher says...

Iraq: the world's next big eco-tourism destination?


After the Iraq war Saddam Hussein drained the marshes and persecuted their inhabitants as punishment for an uprising against his rule

Iraq's southern marshes could become a centre for eco-tourism, based around floating hotels and guided wildlife tours, according to the winner of one of the world's most prestigious environmental prizes.

The marshlands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers are frequently described as the Garden of Eden or the Cradle of Civilisation.

Azzam Alwash of Iraq Receives 2013 Goldman Environmental Prize

"...the Mesopotamian marshes are starting to flourish again as a result of Alwash’s advocacy. Almost half of the original area is now flooded again, and the Sumerians have begun to reestablish their lives. In what is perhaps the most telling evidence of his success elevating the importance of the environment in Iraq, the restored marshes are slated to be established as the country’s first national park in the spring of 2013."

Shell, Mitsubishi Will Start Iraq Plant on April 15

Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) and Mitsubishi Corp. (8058) will start capturing gas from Iraq’s oil fields next week in a $17 billion project known as Basra Gas Co.

“Basra Gas Co. will start operations officially on April 15,” said Ali Hussain Khudayir, director general of South Gas Co., which represents the Iraqi government’s controlling stake in the Basra Gas Co. venture.