Video Gallery
Post date | Video Image | Title |
Oct 23 2014 |
Ambassador Faily's remarks (Part 1) |
Jan 14 2014 |
Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq at USIP |
Oct 2 2013 |
Regional Security Boosts Archeology in Northern Iraq |
Aug 16 2013 |
CSIS Statesmen's Forum with H.E. Hoshyar Zebari: "A View from Iraq and the Region"His Excellency Hoshyar Zebari participated in a Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Statesmen’s Forum, “A View from Iraq and the Region," where he shared his views about critical international issues as they relate to Iraq’s role within the Middle East and around the world. |
Jul 22 2013 |
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hosts Event to Honor Ambassador FailyAs part of the U.S.-Iraq Business Initiative, the United States Chamber of Commerce welcomed Ambassador Faily for an event that fostered discussions of the enormous trade investment opportunities that exist between Iraq and the U.S. |
May 13 2013 |
Iraqi Cultural Center Library Opening, with Al-Hikma BookstoreThe Iraqi Cultural Center in Washington, DC was pleased to announce the opening of its library, in participation with Al-Hikma Bookstore on Saturday, May 11, 2013. |
Feb 8 2012 |
CNN Report: Iraqi Fashion Show |
Aug 13 1991 |
Iraq: Cradle of CivilizationThis is Episode 1 of the mini-series Legacy: The Origins of Civilization originally broadcast on August 13, 1991. In places like Uruk and Eridu in modern-day Iraq, humans founded the first cities nearly 6,000 years ago. They left us literature, astronomy, and mathematics, as well as... more |