News & Announcements

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IRAQI ODYSSEY - Official Trailer

Switzerland nominates Iraqi Odyssey for the Oscars

Tracing the emigrations of his family over more than half a century, this riveting 3D documentary epic from acclaimed expatriate Iraqi filmmaker Samir pays moving homage to the frustrated democratic dreams of a people successively plagued by the horrors of dictatorship, war, and foreign occupation.

Tue, Nov 10, 2015

Speaker Jabouri urges Erbil to remain committed to Iraq

Speaker of the Council of Representative, Dr. Salim al-Jabouri, spoke at the annual MERI conference in Erbil on Wednesday.
The speaker of Iraqi Parliament urged the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to remain committed to a federal Iraq.
Recognizing the importance of the KRG in attracting foreign investment and its role in sheltering an estimated 1.5 million internally displaced people (IDPs), Jabouri appealed for the KRG to consider their mutual interests and remain committed to a federal Iraq.

Thu, Nov 5, 2015

On the Banks of the Tigris - trailer

Forgotten origins of Iraqi music celebrated in award-winning documentary

It's hard to say what's most remarkable about an Australian film winning best documentary at the 2015 Baghdad Film Festival.

Yes, the revelations in Melbourne filmmaker Marsha Emerman's On the Banks of the Tigris are profound – for Iraqis at home and in diaspora, for the Jewish songwriters it reinstates in the nation's cultural history, and for an anxious world looking always for signs of unity and reconciliation.

The Sidney Morning HeraldFri, Oct 30, 2015 Mon, Nov 2, 2015

Ambassador Faily's speech on “US-Iraq Relations: A View from Baghdad"

Thank you, Dr. Anthony, for the kind introduction. And thank you all for coming here this week for the 24th annual Policymakers Conference. I have been asked to discuss the state of relations between Iraq and the United States, and I will address this issue in the context of the theme for this year’s conference...

Thu, Oct 15, 2015

Ambassador Faily talks ISIS fight as Russia ramps up in Syria

Michael Holmes, in for Christiane Amanpour, speaks with Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Lukman Faily about the anti-ISIS fight in his country.

CNNCNN logoThu, Oct 8, 2015 Thu, Oct 8, 2015

US announces $56 million in humanitarian aid to Iraqis affected by violence

Today at the UN General Assembly event on the humanitarian emergency in Iraq, Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Sarah Sewall announced that the United States is providing more than $56 million in additional humanitarian assistance to Iraqis who have been affected by violence and are in urgent need of help from the international community. This new funding brings total U.S. humanitarian assistance for the Iraq humanitarian response to nearly $534 million since the start of Fiscal Year 2014.

U.S. Department of StateWed, Sep 30, 2015 Tue, Oct 6, 2015

Iraqi leader, at UN, highlights progress despite ‘evil will’ of region’s terrorist groups

30 September 2015 – The 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly is being held as the world tackles myriad challenges, especially ones posed by the terrorist group known as Da'esh or the Islamic State, the Prime Minister of Iraq told world leaders attending the annual debate in New York.

UN News CentreWed, Sep 30, 2015 Tue, Oct 6, 2015

Prime Minister Al-Abadi meets with Vice President Biden

The leaders emphasized continued support for Iraq in the areas of armament, training and advice, as well as supporting efforts to address the consequences of falling oil prices.

Thu, Oct 1, 2015

Prime Minister Al-Abadi addresses United Nations General Assembly

Haider Al-Abadi, Prime Minister of Iraq, addressed the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly’s seventieth session in New York on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

United NationsWed, Sep 30, 2015 Thu, Oct 1, 2015

At 17, Zuhal Sultan founded the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq. Next test? Continuing despite ISIS

A pianist herself, she wanted to unite fellow Iraqi youth through music, paving a path to peace by bringing together members from the country’s many varied religions and sects.

St. Louis Public RadioThu, Sep 24, 2015 Thu, Oct 1, 2015

Ambassador Faily Statement on US Congressional Commitment to Unified Iraq

"We are pleased that the final defense authorization bill continues Congressional support for a unified Iraq. This legislation helps to ensure that our government and security forces have the resources, training, and military capabilities necessary to defeat the violent and persistent threat of Daesh."

Tue, Sep 29, 2015

Ambassador Faily's Statement on the Anniversary of September 11th

Iraqi Ambassador to the United States Lukman Faily issued the following statement in memory of the September 11 attacks:

Fri, Sep 11, 2015

Prime Minister Al-Abadi: We Have Heard the Iraqi People

In an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, Prime Minister Al-Abadi challenged three perceptions which are commonly held by outside observers.

Tue, Sep 8, 2015

"Where is Iraq Heading?"

Ambassador Faily discusses the challenges facing Iraq on the home-front, the battle-front and the regional and international fronts.

Thu, Sep 3, 2015

Adherence to Baghdad-Erbil Oil Deal is Essential to National Unity

Reinforcing, strengthening central and regional cooperation will fortify Iraq against existential threats.

Wed, Aug 19, 2015

Prime Minister Al-Abadi downsizes Council of Ministers

Statement from the Prime Minister's Office:

August 16, 2015

Based on the public interest, according to Article 78 of the Constitution and upon delegation of the Council of Representatives, we have decided, on behalf of the people, to:

Reduce the number of cabinet members to become 22 in addition to the Prime Minister instead of 33 members, according to the following:

Mon, Aug 17, 2015

Full text of Prime Minister Al-Abadi's ratified reform initiative

August 9, 2015

Text of the first package of reforms presented by the Prime Minister, Dr. Haidar Al-Abadi and unanimously voted on by the Council of Ministers on August 9, and ratified by the Council of Representatives on August 11:

Mon, Aug 17, 2015

Iraq/Syria: Worse Now Than Before?

Ambassador Faily joins panel discussion at Aspen Security Forum

General John Allen, Ambassador Faily and Daniel Glaser participated in a panel, "Iraq/Syria: Worse Now Than Before?" during the Aspen Security Forum conference.

Wed, Jul 29, 2015

Eid Al Fitr Greetings

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq extends its warmest greetings on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr to all Muslims around the world, particularly the Iraqi community in the United States. We pray to Allah Almighty for His blessings and mercy to be always with the Iraqi people in these difficult days.

Thu, Jul 16, 2015

Iraq: Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Conflict-Affected Cities

WASHINGTON, July 7, 2015 – A new World Bank project in Iraq will support the reconstruction of the country’s conflict-wrecked infrastructure and restore public services in municipal areas under Government control. The US$350 million financial assistance package, approved by the World Bank Board of Directors today, will contribute to Iraq’s efforts to rebuild state institutions and put the economy on the path to recovery in areas where conflict has subsided.

The World BankTue, Jul 7, 2015 Thu, Jul 9, 2015