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H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi congratulates the Chaldean Assyrian brothers on the occasion of the Assyrian New Year


His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi congratulated the Assyrian Chaldean brothers on the occasion of the Assyrian Babylonian New Year (Akitu ), stressing his pride in the cultural and intellectual diversity of Mesopotamia, calling for the necessity of preserving it.
His Excellency prime minister Dr.Haider Al-Abadi commended the role of all Sects, religions and nationalities in the victories achieved by our heroic forces

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeMon, Apr 3, 2017 Mon, Apr 3, 2017

H.E. Prime Minister Dr.Haider Al-Abadi: Confrontations with terrorism, liberation of territories have not prevented us from reforming the economy and other institutions.

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr.Haider al-Abadi said that corruption is no less dangerous than terrorism, indicating that confrontation with terrorism and the liberation wouldn't prevent us from reforming the economy and other institutions.

This came during His Excellency Prime Minister's speech at the Iraq Energy Forum held in Baghdad on Sunday, where he welcomed guests in the capital Baghdad, indicating that Iraq possesses enormous potential and promising opportunities, while the government keens to encourage the investment.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeMon, Apr 3, 2017 Mon, Apr 3, 2017

رئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور حيدر العبادي يلتقي الجالية العراقية في واشنطن

22 اذار 2017

اكد السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور حيدر العبادي ان العراق بخير ومقبلون لما هو افضل، مؤكدا اننا اليوم اقرب للوحدة اكثر من اي وقت مضى.

جاء ذلك خلال لقاء سيادته بالجالية العراقية في العاصمة الامريكية واشنطن، حيث شدد ان ابطالنا وقفوا في حربنا ضد داعش وقفة يعجز الكلام عن وصفها لان العدو اراد تمزيق هذا الوطن ولكن تم احباط مخططه.

واضاف السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء: لن نتراجع عن حملة الاصلاح ومستمرون في محاربة الفساد وهناك من الفاسدين يعلم اين نسير وسنصل اليه، ولذلك يحاول خلط الاوراق والتشويش.

المكتب الاعلامي لرئيس الوزراءWed, Apr 5, 2017 Wed, Mar 22, 2017

رئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور حيدر العبادي يلتقي وزير الخارجية الامريكي السيد ريكس تيلرسون

22 اذار 2017

التقى السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور حيدر العبادي في واشنطن بوزير الخارجية الامريكي السيد ريكس تيلرسون.

حيث اكد السيد تيلرسون دعم بلاده لعراق موحد مستقر مزدهر واعادة الاعمار والاستقرار للمناطق المحررة مشدداً على اهمية دعم جهود الحكومة العراقية في مجال الاصلاح.

المكتب الاعلامي لرئيس الوزراء
22 اذار 2017

Wed, Mar 22, 2017 Wed, Mar 22, 2017

رئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور حيدر العبادي في مقر اقامته في واشنطن وفد البنك الدولي

20 اذار 2017

استقبل السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور حيدر العبادي في مقر اقامته في واشنطن اليوم الاثنين وفد البنك الدولي

حيث اكد الوفد دعمه للعراق في ازمته المالية ومساعدة العراق في خلق فرص عمل وتدريب وتطوير الامكانيات البشرية

فيما اشار الدكتور العبادي الى اهمية دعم البنك الدولي للعراق في هذه المرحلة واننا لا نريد ربط العراق بقروض بعيدة المدى انما خلق فرص عمل وتطوير قدراتنا في العديد من المجالات لما يخدم البلد ومواطنينا.

المكتب الاعلامي لرئيس الوزراء
20 اذار 2017

المكتب الاعلامي لرئيس الوزراءWed, Apr 5, 2017 Mon, Mar 20, 2017

MOFA Announcement: Health Insurance Contract - Public Tender

Thu, Mar 9, 2017

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iraq welcomes President Trump’s new Executive Order.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iraq welcomes President Trump’s new Executive Order, which excludes citizen of the Republic of Iraq from the previous Order.
This decision is considered an important step towards strengthening the strategic alliance between Baghdad and Washington in different areas of cooperation, especially in combating terrorism.

Mon, Mar 6, 2017

Foreign Minister meets the Deputy of Secretary-General of the United Nations for humanitarian partnership in the Middle East and Central Asia

On the sidelines of the human rights council meetings in Geneva, the foreign minister Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jaafari met on 1 arch 2017 the Deputy of Secretary-General of the United Nations for humanitarian partnership in the Middle East and Central Asia Mr. Rashid Khalikom.

During the meeting, they discussed the situations that Iraq passes through in its war against Da'esh terroristic gangs, and the humanitarian situations of the displaced people.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsThu, Mar 2, 2017 Thu, Mar 2, 2017

Foreign minister arrives to Geneva to represent Iraq in the meetings of the human rights council of the United State

The foreign minister Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jaafari arrived to Geneva in Switzerland, to represent Iraq in the meetings of the human rights council of the united Nations for the first time after Iraq's acquiring 173 votes and choosing it as the vice president of the human rights council.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsMon, Feb 27, 2017 Mon, Feb 27, 2017

His excellency PM Dr.Haider Al-Abadi Inaugurates energy agreement between ABB And Iraqi Ministry of electricity

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Dr Haider Al-Abadi, an electricity agreement was signed between the Government of Iraq and the Swedish company ABB for the implementation of energy transmission for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity in the amount of $500m

the Iraqi government side the Minister of Electricity Mr. Qassim Mohammed Fahdawi and acting Minister of Finance , Dr. Abdul Razzaq al-Issa signed by the contract while the Swedish company , Mr. Frank Duggan Chairman of the Executive Committee of ABB Group singed
The contact

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeMon, Feb 27, 2017 Mon, Feb 27, 2017

The Affiliation of Iraq to the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration

Dr. Sami Al- Araji, NIC Chairman signed on the 13th of Feb.17 the affiliation of Iraq to the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (for the year 2014) at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

Iraq is the second Arab country that affiliates to the convention preceded by 18 international members.

Wed, Feb 22, 2017 Wed, Feb 22, 2017

Foreign minister meets the ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic missions of the countries of Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Turkey and Iran.

Foreign minister Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jaafari met the ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic missions of the countries of Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Turkey and Iran to Iraq at the ministry's headquarter in Baghdad.

During the meeting, they reviewed the political procedures, the security developments, the war efforts against Da'esh terroristic gangs, and the relations of Iraq with other countries.

The minister said that Iraqis continue their sacrifices to liberate the rest of Al-Mosul through the unity of the security forces, Peshmargha, Tribes and counterterrorism... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsWed, Feb 22, 2017 Wed, Feb 22, 2017

Spokesperson: Iraqi foreign ministry condemns the terroristic attack on the Pakistani city Lahor

" Iraqi foreign ministry condemns the terroristic attack on the Pakistani city Lahor, and presents its condolences and sorrow to the Islamic Pakistani government and people and the victims' families, also stressing on the importance of uprooting the ideology of these extremist groups and make more international efforts to cooperate to defeat its supporting and funding sources ".

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsThu, Feb 16, 2017 Thu, Feb 16, 2017

SG of GSCOM: Iraqi Government depends on the youth to develop the country

15/2/2017 10:18 AM

SG of GSCOM, Dr. Mahdi Al-Alaq, met the Republic of Finland Non-Resident Ambassador, Mrs. Befi Leen, to discuss the cooperation to implement a proposal regarding the youth aged 20-40 years old and the role of the related sides to prepare a suitable headquarter to manage the project, 3000 volunteers will participate to be implemented, she said.

AL-Alaq said, the Iraqi Government depends on the youth in developing the country and he promised to discuss the details of proposal with the related sides to support it.

Wed, Feb 15, 2017 Wed, Feb 15, 2017

How to Foster Peace After ISIS in Iraq

When Iraqi tribal leaders were forced to flee the city of Hawija in northern Iraq as the Islamic State seized the area in 2014, they weren’t much concerned with advancing the rule of law. But last year, as ISIS’s grip weakened and the possibility of returning to Hawija grew nearer, the leaders faced the prospect of an aftermath stained by revenge killings of collaborators and demand for “blood money” in compensation. Such tribal justice could set off new rounds of violence and instability.

United States Institute of PeaceFri, Feb 10, 2017 Fri, Feb 10, 2017

Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi receives a telephone call from US President Donald Trump.

Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi received on Thursday a telephone call from US President Donald Trump, in which the two leaders discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of developing them.

Mr. Trump congratulated the victories achieved against Daesh gangs and praised the Iraqi forces and the strong courage of Dr. Al-Abadi in leading the war on terror.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeFri, Feb 10, 2017 Fri, Feb 10, 2017

Statement of the Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq regarding President's Donald Trump's Executive Order including restrictions on Entry Procedures of Iraqi Nationals into the United States of America.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq should like to express its regrets over the Executive Order of the United States President, issued on 27th January, 2017, including restrictions on the entry procedures of Iraqi nationals into the United States of America.

Tue, Feb 7, 2017

Iraqi Airways Company Declares its Need to General Sales Agency


Thu, Feb 2, 2017

Industrial Commodities Prices to Surge in 2017: World Bank

WASHINGTON, January 24, 2017— The World Bank is forecasting strong gains for industrial commodities such as energy and metals in 2017, due to tightening supply and strengthening demand.

Fri, Jan 27, 2017 Fri, Jan 27, 2017

Republic of Iraq Issues $1 Billion Bond Guaranteed by US Government

BAGHDAD (Jan. 18, 2017) – The Republic of Iraq today completed the issuance of an $1 billion 5-year Guaranteed bond priced at the level of 27 basis points over 5-year US Treasury Notes with a coupon of 2.149 percent per year, payable semi-annually. The Notes benefit from a full faith and credit guarantee of the United States, acting through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Wed, Jan 18, 2017