News & Announcements

Image Title Article source Post Date

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi expresses his pride in receiving the file of the inclusion of Babylon on the World Heritage List

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has expressed his pride in receiving the file of listing Babylon on the World Heritage List, Which has been working during the last period with those responsible for this file globally after witnessing the destruction of the former regime.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeWed, May 9, 2018 Wed, May 9, 2018

Tender 891(Ministry of Trade)

Wed, May 9, 2018

Tender 745 (Ministry of Electricity)-(General Directorate of Electrical Energy)

Tue, May 8, 2018



Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSat, May 5, 2018 Sat, May 5, 2018

Press Statement

We welcome the historic meeting that brought together the North and South Korean leaders and resulted in the announcement (Panmunjom) between the two neighbors. We hope that the two sides can take steps that contribute to enhancing security and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the world. We are confident that understanding and reconciliation is the basis for peace. We hope that the conflicts in the world will end and lead to a dialogue that establishes international security.

Dr. Ahmed Mahjoob

Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsFri, May 4, 2018 Fri, May 4, 2018


We do express our full support for the supreme religious authority led by His Sayyad Ali al-Sistani's stand and directives, which was included in the Friday prayer sermon today. This holy platform did launch the Fatwah AL-jihad that preserved the unity of Iraq and the interests of its people.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeFri, May 4, 2018 Fri, May 4, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi: Scientific researches should meet the need of Iraqis in all fields

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi has called for scientific researchers to meet the need of Iraqis in all fields of agriculture, industry, oil, energy, security and others.
This came during his Excellency speech at the Sixth International Scientific Conference on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials and its Applications, where he has commended holding of the conference at the appropriate time while the country is moving towards construction, rebuilding, development of the economy, industries, and energy.

Thu, May 3, 2018 Thu, May 3, 2018

Remarks by H.E. Fareed Yasseen during an Artifacts repatriation Ceromany on May 2nd.

I would like to thank you all for coming to witness this important
event, the repatriation of some 3’800 ancient artifacts by United
States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Wed, May 2, 2018

Tender 18795-18805(Ministry of Industry and Minerals)

Wed, May 2, 2018

Around the World Embassy Tour, May 5, 2018

On Saturday May 5th ( 2018), the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to Washington DC will have the honour to join more than 75 other nations participating in Passport DC, opening its doors to the gracious public and the Iraqi community in the USA during Around the World Embassy Tour.

Mon, Apr 30, 2018

Investing in Iraq: Reconstruction and the Role of the Energy Sector

Investing in Iraq: Reconstruction and the Role of the Energy Sector

Opening remarks by:

Frederick Kempe
President and Chief Executive Officer
Atlantic Council

A conversation with:

His Excellency Dr. Fareed Yasseen
Iraqi Ambassador to the United States

Majid Jafar
Chief Executive Officer
Crescent Petroleum

Ben Van Heuvelen
Editor in Chief
Iraq Oil Report

Moderated by:

Ellen Scholl
Deputy Director, Global Energy Center
Atlantic Council

Wed, Apr 18, 2018 Wed, Apr 18, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi: We could not have won a victory without we fought corruption

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has confirmed that we have not been able to win a victory without our fight against corruption. There is a relationship between the corrupt and terrorism, we did restore our country, our land and our citizens, we affirm our determination to protect public money and our responsibility to protect it, each one working from his position, His Excellency has added in his speech in the opening of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the Arab Network for the Promotion of Integrity and Combating Corruption: We will not hesitate to open any file of... Read more...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign AffairsSun, Apr 15, 2018 Wed, Apr 18, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al- Abadi inaugurates the 10th International Federation's conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for the Middle East and North Africa

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al- Abadi has inaugurated Today morning in Baghdad the 10th International Federation's conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for the Middle East and North Africa.
His Excellency has reaffirmed that the World in 2014 imagined that Iraq is over but we have achieved our country's strength and unity, we did defeat Daesh by our unity, the courage of the fighters and citizens.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeWed, Apr 18, 2018 Wed, Apr 18, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi receives The U.S. Special Presidential Envoy Brett McGurk and his accompanying delegation

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has received, Today on Tuesday, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter Daesh Mr. Brett McGurk, deputy assistant secretary of state for Iraq and Iran Mr. Andrew Peek and the United States Ambassador to Iraq Mr. Douglas Silliman.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeTue, Apr 17, 2018 Wed, Apr 18, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi receives EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi has received EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove and his accompanying delegation.
His Excellency has confirmed his keenness to strengthen the security and stability throughout Iraq and particularly in liberated territories, assuring that the security forces did their national and humanitarian duty professionally until security file to be handed over the to the local police forces, Pointing out to continuing the training and the rehabilitation in order to increase the efficiency of security forces.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeTue, Apr 10, 2018 Tue, Apr 10, 2018

H.E Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi makes a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump

April -8- 2018

His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has made, Today Sunday evening, a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump.
Both Leaders have hailed the victory over Daesh's terrorist's gangs and liberating the entire Iraqi territories, which was achieved with the determination of the heroic Iraqi forces and with the support and assistance of the US-led coalition forces.

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeWed, Apr 11, 2018 Sun, Apr 8, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi meets Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

April -5- 2018

Wed, Apr 11, 2018 Thu, Apr 5, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe inaugurate the Tokyo's Conference on Supporting Job Creation

April -5- 2018

Wed, Apr 11, 2018 Thu, Apr 5, 2018

H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi: The people of Nineveh stand today and unite to rebuild their province, foiling plans to tear up their society

March -14-2018

Wed, Mar 14, 2018 Fri, Mar 16, 2018

H.E Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi receives a telephone call from US Vice President Mike Pence

March -16-2018

Iraq Prime Minister's Media OfficeFri, Mar 16, 2018 Fri, Mar 16, 2018