News & Announcements

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U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for end to Saddam-era sanctions against Iraq

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the end of the threat of sanctions against Iraq for its 1990 invasion of Kuwait amid a significant thaw between the neighbors. Ban said both governments have shown "statesmanship and respect" in healing the scars of the invasion.

Agence France-Presseثلاثاء 18 يونيو 2013 أربعاء 19 يونيو 2013

Appointed-Ambassador Faily and Spouse Host Dinner for Iraqi Delegation Participating in Women's Advancement Program

Appointed-Ambassador Lukman Faily and Mrs. Lameis Faily hosted a dinner at their Residence in honor of a delegation of five senior Iraqi government officials and civil society leaders visiting Washington, DC. Ambassador and Mrs. Faily were pleased to welcome Mr. Midhat Al-Mahmood, Chief Justice, Iraqi Higher Judicial Council and the accompanying delegation.

ثلاثاء 18 يونيو 2013

Foreign Minister Discusses Common Issues with U.S. Secretary of State

US Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari to discuss a number of common issues and thanked the Foreign Minister for his help in organizing a recent unity meeting of Iraq’s political and religious leaders.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأحد 16 يونيو 2013 أحد 16 يونيو 2013

Iraq, Kuwait Representatives to the UN Submit MOU

Mohamed Ali Hakim, the Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations and Mansour Al-Otaibi, Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations, presented a copy of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon on June 12, 2013.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsخميس 13 يونيو 2013 أحد 16 يونيو 2013

U.S. Embassy in Baghdad: Educational Programs and Scholarships Available

The U.S. State Department supports a variety of educational programs, scholarships and opportunities for Iraqi scholars, students and professionals.

خميس 13 يونيو 2013

Appointed-Ambassador Faily welcomes Governor of Kirkuk

Appointed-Ambassador Faily received the Governor of Kirkuk, Najim al-Din Karim, at the Embassy in Washington, DC on June 11, 2013.

خميس 13 يونيو 2013

Iraq to get $6 trillion from energy in new strategy

Iraq recently unveiled an ambitious Integrated National Energy Strategy, which aims to raise $6 trillion from oil and gas sales by 2030 and massively increase local power generation. Iraq anticipates it will increase employment levels and living standards through this strategy.

The Economic Timesأربعاء 12 يونيو 2013 خميس 13 يونيو 2013

Foreign Minister Meets U.S. State Department Advisor

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari met with his U.S. counterpart on June 11, 2013. Brett McGurk conveyed President Obama's approval on extending the protection of Iraqi assets in the United States for another year -- a decision which symbolizes the distinctive partnership between Iraq and the U.S.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأربعاء 12 يونيو 2013 خميس 13 يونيو 2013

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki meets with Kuwaiti Prime Minister

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met with Kuwait’s prime minister on June 12, 2013. The meeting signaled improving relations between the neighboring countries. The leaders hailed the recent talks as the start of a new chapter in their relationship and signed a series of agreements aimed at improving bilateral ties.

The Washington Postأربعاء 12 يونيو 2013 خميس 13 يونيو 2013

American University Graduates Students From Across Iraq

The American University of Iraq in Sulaimaniyah brings together Iraq’s various religious and ethnic groups, providing education away from the country's sectarian divide.

Al-Monitorثلاثاء 4 يونيو 2013 خميس 6 يونيو 2013

Qatar Airways launches fourth destination in Republic of Iraq

The launch marks the rapid expansion by Qatar Airways in Iraq since the middle of 2012 when it began flights to Erbil, followed by the capital Baghdad and, earlier this year, Najaf.

TravelDailyNews Internationalأربعاء 5 يونيو 2013 أربعاء 5 يونيو 2013

Iraq to restore ancient arch to woo back tourists

Iraqi authorities have contracted a Czech firm to carry out a 10-month restoration of the ancient Arch of Ctesiphon as part of a plan to boost tourism to the once-popular site.

Agence France-Presseاثنين 3 يونيو 2013 أربعاء 5 يونيو 2013

Marsh flooding brings new life to Iraq's 'Garden of Eden'

The lush marshes of Iraq are regarded by some as the original Garden of Eden, but they were drained and decimated by Saddam Hussein. Now a major restoration programme has seen people and wildlife return to one of the world's most famous wetlands.

BBC News Magazineسبت 1 يونيو 2013 أربعاء 5 يونيو 2013

Iraq says captures al Qaeda chemical gas team

(Reuters) - Iraq has captured a suspected al Qaeda cell that planned to produce chemical poisons such as mustard gas to attack Iraqi forces and to ship overseas for attacks on Europe and the United States, the government said on Saturday.

The announcement was made as investigators look into allegations over the use of sarin nerve gas in next-door Syria where rebels and President Bashar al-Assad's forces have blamed each other for using chemical weapons.

Reutersسبت 1 يونيو 2013 اثنين 3 يونيو 2013

Standard Chartered to open branch in Iraq seeing loan growth

Standard Chartered plans to open branches this year in Baghdad and the city of Erbil, followed by a third next year in the oil hub of Basra.

Times of Omanثلاثاء 14 مايو 2013 أربعاء 22 مايو 2013

Shell to Start Iraq Oil Output Amid Plans for Saudi Investments

Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) will start producing crude at Iraq’s Majnoon oil field as early as next month and plans to increase energy investments in Saudi Arabia, its regional vice president said.

Bloombergخميس 16 مايو 2013 أربعاء 22 مايو 2013

President Jalal Talabani's doctors report that his health is improving

President Jalal Talabani meets with his medical team in Berlin: Doctors confirm that the President's health is improving.

Iraqi Presidency (Office of the President of Iraq)Iraqi Presidency logoجمعة 17 مايو 2013 اثنين 20 مايو 2013

Iraqi women journalists win essay contest

Three Iraqi women journalists have won a United Nations contest which seeks to highlight the everyday challenges faced by women living in the Middle Eastern country.

United Nations Radioخميس 9 مايو 2013 ثلاثاء 14 مايو 2013

Iraq to rebuild rail system as reconstruction gathers pace

Iraq is laying plans to rebuild its historic railways and become a transit hub for goods that would be shipped from Asia to Iraq's neighbours and beyond.

Reutersأربعاء 8 مايو 2013 جمعة 10 مايو 2013

Foreign Minister Receives Phone Call from U.S. Secretary of State

On May 3, 2013, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry discussed Iraqi-U.S. relations and the importance of the bilateral ministerial coordination committees. Kerry officially invited the Minister to visit Washington next month...

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأحد 5 مايو 2013 ثلاثاء 7 مايو 2013