MOFA: We succeeded in issuing a UN resolution to support countries that are environmentally affected by terrorism

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs
أحد, يناير 7, 2018

In continuation of its efforts to re-represent Iraq in international forums, the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs culminated in the adoption of a resolution at the third session of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEA) in December 2017 entitled "Mitigation and Control of Pollution in Areas Affected by Armed Conflict or Terrorism" ), Which will allow Iraq to benefit from the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and a number of other countries affected by terrorism in providing support to mitigate the effects of pollution in areas hit by terrorism.

The resolution has received great attention from specialists in international organizations as it combines the concepts of terrorism and the environment, which is one of the technical and political problems facing the countries of the world.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses on that the conditions experienced by the sons of Iraq in their war against Da'esh terrorist gangs were the motivation to present the draft resolution, which raised the interest of the world countries to the importance of this subject and its effects on various countries helped a lot to adopt it unanimously and approve it.

Dr. Ahmed Mahjoob

Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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