سبت, أغسطس 28, 2021
The Foreign Minister, Fuad Hussein and Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov chaired the meetings of the Iraqi-Russian Joint Committee of the ninth session, held in Moscow on Thursday, August 26, 2021, to discuss files of bilateral cooperation between Baghdad and Moscow, and ways to develop them to serve the two friendly countries.
The two sides touched on a number of files of joint cooperation in the economic field, developing agricultural technology, and facilitating granting entry visas to investors and diplomats from both countries. They also discussed supporting the file of Iraqi students, and renewing their residency, as the decision to allow Iraqi students to return to Russia to complete their studies was appreciated.
In another file, they emphasized developing the tourism and cultural aspect and working to increase support and facilitating flights in both countries to activate trade relations. Energy files occupied an important aspect of the agenda, as Russian oil and gas companies play an important role in the oil sector and the reformulation of the oil industry. Some outstanding problems between the companies and the Ministry of Oil were identified and addressed. In the field of electrical energy, the abandoned or laggard electrical projects that were contracted with Russian companies in the past, were discussed. In this regard, it was agreed to activate work on these projects and the Russian companies go back to work in them.
The two sides signed the Joint Minutes of the meetings of the ninth session of the Iraqi-Russian Joint Committee.
It was agreed to develop and strengthen cooperation in the various productive and service sectors. They also agreed to take all measures that would overcome obstacles and impediments to trade and investment exchange between the two countries, as well as to define the mechanisms by which bilateral cooperation is activated.
To read the full piece from Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs, click here.