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Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman: Al-Sahaf: We coordinated the return of thousands of Iraqis and devoted ourselves to national response diplomacy

Since the beginning of the crisis of the outbreak of the pandemic of Covid-19, the Foreign Ministry worked in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport to organize an air route to rescue Iraqi travelers stranded in countries where the pandemic has occurred, and we have also worked on forming crisis cells in cooperation with our embassies abroad to monitor the infected among the Iraqi communities, track their health conditions and secure supplies for their families to alleviate their suffering.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأربعاء 8 أبريل 2020 أربعاء 8 أبريل 2020

The Decision to Return Iraqis Abroad is not Subject to the Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Ministry has confirmed that it is closely coordinating the return of Iraqis abroad who have traveled during the past three months.

Foreign Ministry official spokesman Ahmed Al-Sahaf said, “The Foreign Ministry is coordinating closely of the return of Iraqis abroad who have traveled during the past three months, and as stipulated in the decisions of the Crisis Cell.”

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأربعاء 8 أبريل 2020 أربعاء 8 أبريل 2020

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

We would like to clarify to the public that the sums mentioned are not a grant or a donation, and they only include very exceptional cases of those who are out of reach , and the sums would be sent by their families in Iraq. Our procedures are subject to the rules of banking transactions in each State.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsاثنين 6 أبريل 2020 اثنين 6 أبريل 2020

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

We would like to clarify to the public that the sums mentioned are not a grant or a donation, and they only include very exceptional cases of those who are out of reach , and the sums would be sent by their families in Iraq. Our procedures are subject to the rules of banking transactions in each State.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsاثنين 6 أبريل 2020 اثنين 6 أبريل 2020

H.E. Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi receives US Ambassador to Baghdad

April -5– 2020

Iraq Prime Minister's Media Officeاثنين 6 أبريل 2020 اثنين 6 أبريل 2020

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

11 new cases of Coronavirus infection were registered among the Iraqi community in Belgium. The total number of cases of the Iraqi community abroad reached 43 cases distributed accordingly:

Belgium 11
Jordan 10
Italy 6
Los Angeles 5
Britain 5
Canada 3
Lebanon 2
Iran 1

In addition to two deaths, one in UK and the second in Norway
On their part, our embassies in these countries make every effort to follow up the conditions of those infected and provide them with medical care.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأحد 29 مارس 2020 أحد 29 مارس 2020

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

The Crisis Cell at the Foreign Ministry held a meeting to discuss procedures for facilitating the return of Iraqi citizens stranded in a number of countries, in cooperation with our missions abroad and in coordination with the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Authority. In addition to travel procedures for diplomats working in Iraq and resident foreign communities.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأحد 29 مارس 2020 أحد 29 مارس 2020

Foreign Minister Meets Head of United Nations Mission in Iraq(UNAMI)

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim met with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq (UNAMI) Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert.

During the meeting, they discussed ways of bilateral cooperation between Baghdad and the United Nations Mission, as well as the latest developments in the political situation in Iraq and the region.

Ms. Plasschaert expressed the willingness of the UN mission in Baghdad to provide support to Iraq as part of strengthening efforts to combat the Coronavirus.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsخميس 26 مارس 2020 خميس 26 مارس 2020

Foreign Minister : We Have Strong and Genuine Brotherly Ties with Kuwait

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim praised the bilateral relations between Baghdad and Kuwait, expressing his appreciation for the positions of Kuwait in support of Iraq, the latest of which was presented by the Emir of the State of Kuwait to Iraq by donating $ 10 million to support efforts to combat Coronavirus
This came in a telephone call received by Minister Alhakim from his Kuwaiti counterpart, Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al-Muhammad Al-Sabah, who will deliver the sum to the World Health Organization in Geneva to purchase emergency equipment and medical supplies for Iraq.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsثلاثاء 17 مارس 2020 ثلاثاء 17 مارس 2020

The text of the two identical letters that the Foreign Ministry sent to the United Nations and the Security Council regarding the US bombing of the Iraqi forces

The text of the two identical letters that the Foreign Ministry sent to the United Nations and the Security Council regarding the US bombing of the Iraqi forces

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsثلاثاء 17 مارس 2020 ثلاثاء 17 مارس 2020

Press Statement

The Foreign Ministry expresses its rejection and condemnation of the violation of the sovereignty of Iraq by the US forces through the bombing of the headquarters of the Military , police, and the Popular Mobilization Forces which are Iraqi national forces that defended Iraq and its unity and have fought valiantly, and stopped the expansion of Da’esh to the countries of the region, and the world.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsجمعة 13 مارس 2020 اثنين 16 مارس 2020

Press Statement

The Foreign Ministry expresses its rejection and condemnation of the violation of the sovereignty of Iraq by the US forces through the bombing of the headquarters of the Military , police, and the Popular Mobilization Forces which are Iraqi national forces that defended Iraq and its unity and have fought valiantly, and stopped the expansion of Da’esh to the countries of the region, and the world.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsجمعة 13 مارس 2020 جمعة 13 مارس 2020

The Foreign Minister held an emergency meeting

The Foreign Minister held an emergency meeting in which the Ministry’s Undersecretaries, Advisors, and Official Spokesman attend to discuss measures regarding the recent U.S aggression, and directed the summoning the Ambassadors of the United States and UK to Baghdad.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsجمعة 13 مارس 2020 جمعة 13 مارس 2020

Foreign Minister Calls his Chinese Counterpart and Expresses his Appreciation for Beijing’s Support to Iraq

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim stated that Iraq is keen to hold the best relations with China, and to raise prospects for cooperation to meet the aspirations of the two friendly peoples.
This came in a phone call made by Minister Alhakim with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Mr. Wang Yi.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsأربعاء 11 مارس 2020 أربعاء 11 مارس 2020

Foreign Minister Receives a Call from his Jordanian Counterpart

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim received a phone call from the Jordanian Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs Mr. Ayman Al-Safadi, and levels of joint cooperation, developments in the region were discussed in addition to the two countries’ measures to confront Coronavirus.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsثلاثاء 10 مارس 2020 أربعاء 11 مارس 2020

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesmam Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

(18) of the victims of the traffic accident in Syria and (3) were wounded on board the air transport plane, which will took off from Damascus airport to the Najaf airport.

May Allah grant mercy to all the victims and recovery for the wounded.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsثلاثاء 10 مارس 2020 ثلاثاء 10 مارس 2020

The Foreign Minister Discusses with Iranian Counterpart Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation between Baghdad and Tehran

oreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim stressed that Iraq is interested in strengthening bilateral cooperation between Baghdad and Tehran, and the importance of achieving strategic partnerships in all fields to achieve the aspirations of both friendly peoples.

Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairsثلاثاء 3 مارس 2020 ثلاثاء 3 مارس 2020

A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Fareed Yasseen, Ambassador of Iraq to the United States

On February 26, 2020, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations in cooperation with the World Trade Center Washington, DC at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center hosted a public affairs briefing program “A Conversation with His Excellency Dr. Fareed Yasseen, Ambassador of Iraq to the United States.”

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations February 26, 2020, Public Affairs Briefing explored dynamics affecting Iraq and Iraq’s relationship with the United States.

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سبت 29 فبراير 2020 سبت 29 فبراير 2020

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf:

The Foreign Minister directs the Iraqi embassies in China, Iran, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Singapore to stop granting entry visas to expatriates and exclude Iraqis from these countries, as well as diplomats working in diplomatic missions, and official delegations provided they are subject to the procedures of the Ministry of Health.

أربعاء 26 فبراير 2020 أربعاء 26 فبراير 2020

Press Statement

Several countries in the world have witnessed infections with the Coronavirus, and the government has taken a number of preventive measures to preserve the safety of Iraqi citizens and to prevent the spread of this virus in Iraq.

أربعاء 26 فبراير 2020 أربعاء 26 فبراير 2020